Sunday, January 4, 2015

Meal Planning Saturday!

It's the day before break is over and all through the house
all the creatures are freaking out, even a mouse.
The bookbags were strewn by the door with some care
in hope that a snowday would perhaps appear...?
Mrs. McGuire was all snug in her bed
while visions of laughter, chatter and grading danced in her head.

My winter break is coming to a close. It is always nice to be able to take a step back and recollect your sanity!
When discussing this with a friend we were both feeling anxious because coming off a break is like going from nothing to everything!

So, to make my life easier and healthier I planned out some meals.

My wonderful husband also made a work document to help our souls survive ;)
It's seriously a thing of beauty!

An on-the-go gal (or guys) best friend.... The WRAP

I went wrap crazy with my meal planning this week.

  • I eat my breakfast on the road between working out and getting my class ready for 27 active 3rd graders!
  • I need to have energy and I need it quick!
  • Even some lunches are spent running around

I created several wraps for this week:
  • Peanut butter and fruit
  • Nutella Peanut butter and Fruit (special Friday Treat!)
  • Cream cheese and Veggies with Garlic and onion cream cheese
  • Hummus and Veggie

For the Cream Cheese
  • 1 clove of minced garlic
  • 2 green onions
  • 4 ounces of cream cheese
  • a dash of pepper

this provided a nice glue for the wrap

In the Veggie Wraps
  • 2 small grated carrots
  • 1/4 avocado sliced
  • Half a mini cucumber

I also made 10 
Breakfast Burritos! 
For mornings on the go...
  • 6 breakfast sausages
  • 8 eggs
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 2 tsp Garlic Powder
  • 5 small potatoes
  • 10 tortillas
  1. Preheat oven at 400 degrees
  2. Uncase the sausages and cook in a skillet on medium heat for 15 mins, flipping or moving it around ever 5 minutes
  3. While the sausage cooks mix together the milk and eggs with some salt and pepper and garlic powder.
  4. Cut up the potatoes into inch thick cubes
  5. Drain the sausage on paper towel and set aside
  6. Scramble eggs
  7. While eggs scramble, put the potatoes on a cooking sheet with a light amount of olive oil
  8. Cook potatoes for 20 minutes 
  9. Incorporate all the cooked ingredients together
When you assemble the burritos I put about a 1/2 cup of filling in each burrito.

I froze my burritos in cling wrap and then put them all in a freezer bag.

To Reheat burritos:
Uncover the burrito and put on a plate of paper towel in the microwave for 1 minute.

Happy Meal Planning!

New Year, Same Me

My yearly goals 

1. Workout 5 times a Week
I've realized that working out in the morning is the key to this actually happening. After a day of teaching, working out seems impossible. Also, I'm more of a morning person, especially when my meals are planned, I slept in workout clothes and my bags are all packed.

2. Eat mostly healthy 
Meal planning is essential to success, along with (discretely) throwing out b-day treats students give to me :(

In order to reach goals one and two I put together an incentive chart
(that's what Teachers do)
It also helps that I get to visit my bestie in Cali!

3. Finish my MASTERS
I hopefully will finish up in October if all goes as planned. It's been a lot of work on top of teaching but I'll be so happy when I have that degree!

4. Be Mindful 
Meditate, reflect, stay positive and grateful about my life. 

                                       5. Be the Best Teacher I can be, everyday
This is why I need to be healthy, active, and mindful. All of these goals will help me reach my ultimate goal of reaching every student, engaging every student, supporting every student and (the easiest) loving every student.

What a great year it's been, excited to see what all 2015 brings!

Love from the Lake!